Chao Statistics First thing to know. Chao have stats, which determine their strength. These are the different categories of stats: PWR - How powerful your chao is. SWM - How good your chao swims FLY - How good your chao flies RUN - How fast and less clumsy your chao runs. LCK - How lucky your chao is. INT - How smart your chao is. STA - How long your chao can last without a performance hit. These stats can be altered. More on that next. Colors, Affects As you progress through the game, you will see animals and glowing tubes. The animals, well, are....animals. The glowing tubes are called Chao Drives. They both raise some parts of stats, and decrease others. Each color adds most to a certain stat, as follows: Green - Adds to RUN stat. Yellow - Adds to SWM stat. Purple - Adds to FLY stat. Red - Adds to PWR stat. How do you tell which animal goes in which group? They will have a colored border around them. Faces When your chao is in the egg, how you treat the egg affects its face and personality. Here is the different personalities and faces: Happy Face Don't touch the eggs, just let them hatch with time. Normal Face The normal chao face is kind of tricky, but I got used to it and it's normal for me now. You have to shake the egg for about 4-7 seconds, but no less or more. Evil Eyes Face Jump around the garden with the egg (Perferably with Shadow), then set it down. Sleepy Eyes Face Shake the egg for about 2-5 minutes. Upside Grin, Evil Eyes Face Follow the same steps as the Evil Eyes Face, but do it for 2-5 minutes. Moods Chao express themselves by a little Ball-like object above their head. He's a translation. Spiked Ball, Ball, Halo... Normal Mood Question Mark... Chao is thinking of doing something Exclamtion Mark... Chao has made up his mind about doing something Heart... Chao is happy with you Swirl... Chao is confused/Disoriented Eyes closed, lying down... It's sleeping. Don't bother it by waking it up or feeding it or it will be mad at you. Affects of Animals Anyway, different animals affect chao in different ways. We get into that now (You must have Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher or Netscape 4.7 or higher to view the tables correctly). And not only do these animals change the appearance of your chao, but they also give your chao special abilities. Note: These stats vary depending on the chao, these numbers are just an average. Red Animals SWM FLY RUN PWR Affect Tiger -4 -8 10 18 Sharpens Nails Bear 4 -8 2 18 Roars Gorilla -2 -4 2 20 Beats Chest Green Animals SWM FLY RUN PWR Affect Rabbit 0 4 20 -8 Hops Cheetah -4 -4 20 4 Washes Face Boar -2 -8 16 8 Dashes Purple Animals SWM FLY RUN PWR Affect Parrot 0 24 -10 2 Sings Peacock 6 24 -8 -6 Strutts Condor -10 30 -12 8 Sit-Ups Yellow Animals SWM FLY RUN PWR Affect Seal 20 -8 0 4 Rolls Over Otter 22 -2 4 8 Back Strokes Penguin 18 6 4 12 Belly Slides Blue Animals (Special) SWM FLY RUN PWR Affect Raccoon 10 6 2 4 ---- Sheep 4 6 10 10 Somersaults Skunk 4 6 6 4 Farts Orange Animals (Imaginary) SWM FLY RUN PWR Affect Dragon 10 2 4 16 Breathes Fire Unicorn 8 6 18 0 Bucks Feet Phoenix 6 16 2 8 Wags Tail Black Animals (Ghost*) SWM FLY RUN PWR Affect Bat 4 20 4 4 Levitates Half Fish 16 0 4 12 ---- Skeletal Dog 4 4 6 8 Allows Mask *Note: Ghost chao will change your chao in weird ways. For example, a bat is known to make your chao's legs disappear, and a skeletal dog will allow your chao to wear a mask. If you feed enough ghost, the ball above the chao's head will turn into flame. Where to find Animals Here is a list of where to get certain animals. There Sonic City Escape Raccoon Skunk Sheep Unicorn Rabbit Metal Harbor Penguin Seal Raccoon Peacock Phoenix Green Forest Cheetah Rabbit Parrot Half Fish Raccon Pyramid Cave Bat Peacock Condor Skeleton Dog Condor Crazy Gadget Skunk Phoenix Tiger Seal Bear Final Rush Condor Peacock Penguin Sheep Dragon Cannon's Core Rabbit Cheetah Parrot Dragon Skunk Tails Prison Lane Tiger Otter Gorilla Sheep Unicorn Mission Street Rabbit Boar Gorilla Sheep Phoenix Hidden Base Penguin Otter Skunk Tiger Half Fish Eternal Engine Condor Parrot Raccoon Dragon Boar Cannon's Core Seal Otter Raccoon Phoenix Bear Knuckles Wild Canyon Condor Peacock Cheetah Dragon Sheep Pumpkin Hill Bat Boar Cheetah Half Fish Skeleton Dog Aquatic Mine Skunk Seal Penguin Condor Dragon Death Chamber Tiger Gorilla Rabbit Skunk Dragon Meteor Herd Penguin Rabbit Seal Phoenix Sheep Cannon's Core Seal Cheetah Otter Raccoon Unicorn Shadow Radical Highway Cheetah Seal Boar Raccoon Unicorn White Jungle Parrot Bear Peacock Skunk Dragon Sky Rail Tiger Sheep Phoenix Condor Bear Final Chase Penguin Tiger Otter Skunk Phoenix Rouge Dry Lagoon Otter Peacock Penguin Unicorn Sheep Egg Quarters Bear Parrot Gorilla Skunk Half Fish Security Hall Parrot Tiger Condor Raccoon Phoenix Mad Space Peacock Parrot Gorilla Raccoon Phoenix Cannon's Core Cheetah Board Dragon Skunk Condor Eggman Iron Gate Gorialla Tiger Rabbit Dragon Skunk Sand Ocean Peacock Bat Parrot Skeleton Dog Raccoon Lost Colony Boar Rabbit Raccoon Bat Skeleton Dog Weapons Bed Seal Cheetah Sheep Otter Phoenix Cosmic Wall Cheetah Rabbit Otter Unicorn Sheep Cannon's Core Bear Gorilla Unicorn Seal Skunk Chao Drives So now that we know about Animals, what the heck are chao drives? Well, we haven't quite figured out exactly how much chao drives raise a stat. As soon as we do, it will be up here. If you would like to keep your chao looking natural, the Chao Drives are perfect since they don't change the looks of your chao. Machines throughout the game drop these, and different colors appear with no set position (random). Chao Death and Reincarnation Chao don't live forever and, eventually, all Chao will go back into their egg cocoons and disappear. There is no way to prevent this, and, if your Chao doesn't leave behind an egg, no way to bring your Chao back. However, if your Chao leaves behind an egg after it cocoons and disappears you can hatch the egg and get the "Reincarnate" of your lost Chao. This Chao has the same name of the last one and slightly leans towards the same preferences of the last one (physical traits, personality) but otherwise it's like a new Chao. Your Chao have to be extremely affectionate with your character in order for it to reincarnate. Some tips to really boost their affection are... Be sure to keep your Chao well fed, but don't overfeed them. Try to pet them or cuddle them when they trip, they really appreciate it. Chao love walks, try to take your Chao on walks. If a Chao can't swim, they appreciate it when you take them out of the water when they're struggling. Never throw or hit your Chao, that alone can kill them if it happens too much. Give your Chao lots of Chaos Drives and Animals. Every once in a while cuddle your Chao (petting usually tells them you approve of their behavior, cuddling just gives them affection). Take your Chao to classes every now and then. Let them know you like what they're doing, pet them when they do good. Besides that, just overall be nice to your Chao and they will probably want to stay forever.