Chao Races Chao races are just that, a group of 8 Chao race on one of several different courses. To enter a chao in the races all you do is head to the regular Chao Garden and go through the door behind the waterfall. Once there select the race catagory you want to try(at first Begginer Races and Party Races are the only ones open) then select the Chao you want in the races, and the specific course to race in. Stamina Your Chao's Stamina will play a big part in the races, as your Chao runs it's Stamina will slowly decrease, if the Stamina runs out your Chao will severly slow down, so keep an eye on the meter. Also during the race if you press the L/R triggers it will give your Chao a boost of speed, though it will take up some extra Stamina. A good strategy to use to get the most out of a boost is to boost your Chao while it's in it's strong element.(In otherwords, boost a Run Chao while it's running) Race Course Tracks There are 6 different Race categories and 10 different tracks altogether. Here's a quick list of the Race categories and tracks. Beginner Races Any Chao can enter, 3 difficulties. Crap Pool Emphasis is on Swimming Stump Valley Emphasis is on Flying Black Canyon Emphasis is on Running Mushroom Forest Emphasis is on Strength Jewel Races Any Chao can enter, 5 difficulties. Topaz Emphasis is on Flying Peridot Emphasis is on Running Aquamarine Emphasis is on Swimming Garnet Emphasis is on Strength Onyx Emphasis is on Intellegence and Luck Diamond Emphasis is on all Abilities Challenge Races- Challenge Tracks, any Chao can enter. There are 3 rows of 4 Challenge Races, each race has a group of unique, challenging Chao to race against Hero Races- Dark Tracks, no Dark Chao allowed. There is 4 Challenge races, each race has a group of unique, challenging Dark Chao to race against Dark Races- Hero Tracks, no Hero Chao allowed. There is 4 Challenge races, each race has a group of unique, challenging Hero Chao to race against Party Races- A mode just for fun, this category lets you pick up to 8 of your Chao and race them in any track in the Begginer and Jewel Categories Toys Your Chao can also win Toys from the races. The Toy they win depends on the race the Chao wins. Toys won from the Begginer and Jewel Races are kept by the Chao that wins them, the Chao will pull them out when it wants to use them, a Chao will lose it's personal Toys when it Dies/Reincarnates. Toys won from the Challenge, Hero and Dark races are kept in the Garden and can be used by all the Chao in that Garden. The Neutral Garden has the Toys from the Challenges Races, the Hero Garden has the Toys from the Hero Races and the Dark Garden has the Toys from the Dark Races. Here a list of what Races give your Chao what Toys. Race Track Name What do I get? Must win on 3rd Difficulty Beginner Races Crab Pool Trowel (Shovel) Stump Valley Water Can Black Canyon Race Car Mushroom Forest Rattle Must win on 5th Difficulty Jewel Races Topaz Broom Peridot How to Plant Seeds book Aquamarine Sonic Doll Garnet Pogo Stick Onyx Crayons Diamond Bubbles Challenge Mode Complete each row 1st row Beach Ball 2nd row Chao-in-the-Box (?) 3rd row Television Dark Races Second Race Beach Ball Fourth Race Boom Box Hero Races Second Race Beach Ball Fourth Race Rocking Horse  |